"Tierra Media" is a store that sells trading game cards and related products, such card protectors, souvenirs and figures. The owner of this store told me about this project and how everything was going, in that explanation I identified an area of oportunity. All the processes of sell and buy products were being taken by hand, for this project. First, I made a rise of requerimients with him. Then, I made an Entity-Relation diagram to declare how this information was interactuing. After that, I put hands on into code, so, I develop the system in Windows Forms under the C# language. For the database, I used SQL server and for every Create, Upgrade and Delete Operation I created a stored procedure. For reports, I implement within the system a way to export the data shown in tables to PDF and Excel formats, and for retrive the data from the database I used views and store procedures. During all the development process I used Git and GitHub as version controller.
Due to Monolithic architecture of the project, the only diagram generated was entity-relation diagram
Admin page
Inventory page
Login screen
Main menu
Entity-Relation diagram